About Scribbler

The Plot
Scribbler’s mission is to help writers, simple as that. Our company started with a monthly subscription box. It quickly grew into an e-commerce store, industry newsletter, online community, and digital magazine. We are busy working on new products and aspire to grow Scribbler into the largest company catering to novelists in the world.

The Heroine
Victoria Scott started Scribbler in 2017 after traditionally publishing nine books with publishing houses like Scholastic and Macmillan. She couldn't have done it without a lot of help. That's why Victoria launched Scribbler, a monthly support system to improve a writer's craft, inspire them to finish their book, and introduce them to powerhouses in the literary industry, all while giving back to the community. Victoria is an Uber-hailing city girl who loves thick books, frozen margaritas, and long talks with good friends.

The Backstory
Since launching in 2017, we’ve seen a thing or two. From products arriving late, to postal workers no-showing, to buildings we’d rented space in closing down. From chasing down UPS drivers down alleyways, to failed attempts at outsourcing fulfillment, to books we’d ordered being sold out across the country. But you know what? Despite the countless hurdles, we built this biz into existence, one page at a time. And we have you to thank.